Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - chwyty na gitarę
Poniżej znajdziesz listę chwytów na gitarę, do utworu Hakuna Matata. Akordy te, z powodzeniem możesz wykorzystać na gitarze klasycznej, akustycznej, a nawet elektrycznej. Nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, abyś poniższą aranżację, wykorzystał na innych instrumentach, takich jak ukulele, czy pianino.
Akordy na gitarę i tekst do utworu Hakuna Matata
~~F A#/F F C Hakuna matata ... what a wonderful phrase! ~~C/E F D/F# G7 Hakuna matata ... ain't no passing craze. ~~E/G# a C/E F D/F# It means no worries for the rest of your days C/G G C It's our problem-free philosophy - Hakuna matata C d C G d a G A# F C Why, when he was a young warthog A# F C When I was a young warthog D# F He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal C G He could clear the savannah after ev'ry meal ~~A# F/A F C I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thickskinned. E G And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind ~~G7sus C F/C C And, oh, - the shame! He was a - shamed! G Thought of changin' my name! C/G G Oh, what's in a name? ~~F/A A# And I got downhearted ~~D#/A# A# How did you feel? ...ev'ry time that I... C F C Hakuna matata ... what a wonderful phrase! ~~F D/F# G Hakuna matata ... ain't no passing craze. ~~E/G# a C/E F D/F# It means no worries for the rest of your days C/G G C It's our problemfree philosophy - Hakuna matata ~~C/E F G C C/E F G ~~C F/C G/B F/A Hakuna matata, Hakuna matata, Hakuna matata, Hakuna matata, ~~C/G G Hakuna matata, Hakuna matata, Hakuna matata, ~~E/G# a C/E F D/F# Hakuna... It means no worries for the rest of your days ~~C/G G7 E/G# a It's our problem-free philosophy - Hakuna matata ~~C/E F G E/G# a C/E F G /: C C/E F G :/ Hakuna matata .....